


Flexibility for versatility.

The tertiary sector is a vast and varied sector. It involves managing a variety of sites, flows and spaces. Our safety solutions adapt to all possible characteristics. They are evolutionary and take into account the development of activities.



Patient & Staff Safety along with Asset protection.

Life-changing events happen every day in hospitals and healthcare facilities and Ocularis helps protect these important places and the people in them. Our solutions help manage the multitude of flows of people and optimize human surveillance.


Buildings Security

Experience at the Service of the Extraordinary.

The complexity and unusual dimensions of High-rise buildings invite innovation. On a permanent basis, our experienced teams adapt to these specific criteria. We are able to design and offer solutions that are just as out of the ordinary.


Data-centers and sensitive sites

Accuracy at the service of advanced know-how.

The security of data centers and sensitive sites is an obligation. It becomes an issue. Novadis trades and solutions make sense to protect your information. We guarantee state-of-the-art technology, system stability and clear usage.


Administrations and facilities

Excellence for Institutional Requirements.

State Services, administrations, education… our solutions and our know-how adapt to the sensitive or prestigious sites. Whatever the size of the flow of people, we give the same care to the safety of our fellow citizens. Novadis ensures special attention to guarantee a security of every moment in full compliance of legal standards.


Hotels and casinos

Confidence in the service of leisure.

Our solutions make sense of thousands of camera feeds and entry points, so you can keep a sharp eye on your facility and your business, and integrate with architectural constraints. Our equipments can be deployed to meet the problems of discretion and serenity induced in these places of leisure. Our teams integrate the flow of people, transactions or the presence of precious objects for the development of relevant solutions.
